Inspur Submits SPC-1 Result with AS5500G2

Congratulations to Inspur on the submission of their first SPC-1 v3 result. This result joins the SPC-1 top-10 list for performance at #6, and the SPC-1 top-10 list for price-performance at #9.


SPC-1 IOPS™1,500,346

SPC-1 Price-Performance™$307.62/SPC-1 KIOPS™

SPC-1 IOPS™ Response Time0.895 ms

SPC-1 Overall Response Time0.499 ms

SPC-1 ASU Capacity28,000 GB

SPC-1 Space Effectiveness RatioN/A

SPC-1 ASU Price$16.49/GB

SPC-1 Total System Price$461,526.84

Audit IdentifierA31016

Submitted On: 1 October 2018 
SPC-1 Specification Revision: 3.8



